Interface IDEXCandleEventData


parent IDEXCandleEvent

interface IDEXCandleEventData {
    start: number;
    open: string;
    high: string;
    low: string;
    close: string;
    baseVolume: null | string;
    quoteVolume: null | string;
    sequence: null | number;
    market: string;
    time: number;
    interval: CandleInterval;
    end: number;
    trades: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


start: number

Time of the start of the interval

open: string

Price of the first trade in the interval in quote terms

high: string

Price of the traded price in the interval in quote terms

low: string

Price of the traded price in the interval in quote terms

close: string

Price of the last trade in the interval in quote terms

baseVolume: null | string

Trading volume in the interval in base terms, null for some historical chart data

quoteVolume: null | string

Trading volume in the interval in quote terms, null for some historical chart data

sequence: null | number

Fill sequence number of the last trade in the interval, null for some historical chart data

market: string

Market symbol

time: number

Timestamp when the statistics were computed, time is always between the start and close timestamps of the interval

interval: CandleInterval

Interval duration of the candle.

end: number

Timestamp of the end of the interval

trades: number

Number of trades in the interval