Interface IDEXDepositEventData

deposits events provide a specialized data property which is similar to IDEXDeposit with the following changes:

  • depositId, quantity, asset, and time are provided from the IDEXDeposit interface.
  • WebSocket deposits events include additional exclusive properties:


parent IDEXDepositEvent

interface IDEXDepositEventData {
    depositId: string;
    asset: string;
    quantity: string;
    time: number;
    wallet: string;
    quoteBalance: string;


  • Pick<IDEXDeposit, "depositId" | "quantity" | "asset" | "time">
    • IDEXDepositEventData


depositId: string

IDEX-issued deposit identifier

asset: string

Asset symbol for collateral token

quantity: string

Deposit amount in asset terms

time: number

Timestamp of crediting the deposited funds on the exchange

wallet: string

Wallet address associated with the deposit message.

quoteBalance: string

Quote token balance after the deposit