Server time zone, always UTC
Current server time
XCHAIN address of the exchange smart contract for deposits
Stargate bridge adapter contract address
properties in withdrawalsXCHAIN chain identifier
Address of the quote asset (USDC) on XCHAIN
Total open interest across all markets in USD
Total exchange trading volume for the trailing 24 hours in USD
Total exchange trading volume for IDEX in USD
Total number of trade executions for IDEX
Token contract address for the IDEX token on Ethereum
Token contract address for the IDEX token on L2 Arbitrum
Token contract address for the IDEX token on Polygon PoS
Current price of the IDEX token in USD
Market capitalization of the IDEX token in USD
Default exchange-wide maker trade fee rate
Default exchange-wide taker trade fee rate
Minimum withdrawal amount in USD
insuranceBalance of the insurance fund in USD
Basic exchange info