Interface IDEXLiquidationEventData

  • Liquidation updates on the WebSocket include all IDEXLiquidation properties as well as the market symbol that corresponds to the liquidation.
interface IDEXLiquidationEventData {
    fillId: string;
    price: string;
    quantity: string;
    quoteQuantity: string;
    time: number;
    liquidationSide: OrderSide;
    market: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


fillId: string

Liquidation identifier

price: string

Price of the liquidation in quote terms

quantity: string

Quantity of the liquidation in base terms

quoteQuantity: string

Quantity of the liquidation in quote terms

time: number

Timestamp of the liquidation

liquidationSide: OrderSide

Liquidation side of the settlement, buy or sell

market: string

Market symbol