Market symbol
Market type, always perpetual
Market trading status
Base asset symbol
Quote asset symbol
Minimum quantity increment change in base terms
Minimum price increment change in quote terms
Current index price of the market
Index price 24 hours ago.
.Percent change in index price from 24h ago to current
is expressed as 0.01000000
.Funding rate of the last payment
is expressed as 0.01000000
Current funding rate
is expressed as 0.01000000
Time of the next funding payment
Minimum size of an order that can rest on the order book in base terms
Minimum order size that is accepted by the matching engine for execution in base terms
Execution price limit for market orders on the market.
Execution price limit for limit orders on the market.
Minimum position size in base terms
Maximum position size in base terms
Margin requirement to open a position expressed as a fraction
Margin requirement prevent liquidation expressed as a fraction
Maximum position size available under the initialMarginFraction
If a position exceeds basePositionSize, each step of incrementalPositionSize increases the initialMarginFraction by incrementalInitialMarginFraction
Default maker trade fee rate for the market
Default taker trade fee rate for the market
Trailing 24h volume for the market in USD
Number of trade executions in the market in the trailing 24h
Open interest quantity in base terms
IDEX Market