Market symbol as base-quote pair e.g. 'ETH-USD'
Exchange-assigned order identifier
Address of the wallet which placed the order
Timestamp of initial order processing by the matching engine
Current order status
enum OrderStatus
enum OrderSide
Original quantity specified by the order in base terms
Quantity that has been executed in base terms
Cumulative quantity that has been spent (buy orders) or received (sell orders) in quote terms.
Reduce only orders are only accepted opposite open positions and only reduce an opposite position’s size
Self-trade prevention policy
Timestamp of the most recent update
, indicates the message is a liquidation
or deleverage
where fills
will include a single IDEXOrderFillEventData.type of
FillTypeSystem.Type of order update
enum OrderStateChange
clientClient-specified order identifier (if provided)
errorError short code explaining forced cancelation condition
errorError description explaining forced cancelation condition
avgWeighted average price of fills associated with the order; only present with fills
priceOriginal price specified by the order in quote terms, omitted for all market orders
triggerStop loss or take profit price for order types:
Activation price for order types:
triggerPrice type for triggerPrice, last or index, only present when triggerPrice is defined
enum TriggerType
timeenum TimeInForce
sequenceorder book update sequence number, only included if update type triggers an order book update
related sequence
All types other than IDEXOrderEventDataSystemFill include most properties from IDEXOrder