Market symbol for the item
Base quantity, negative for short positions
Maximum absolute quantity of the position during its existence
Average entry price of the position
Average exit price of the position
Current mark price of the market
Current index price of the market
Index price beyond which the position will be liquidated
Position value at mark price
Realized PnL of the position in quote terms, including funding payments
Unrealized PnL of the position in quote terms at the mark price
Current initial margin requirement of the position
Cross-margined position leverage
Net total of all funding payments for the position
Total of all trade quantities that increased the position in base terms
Total of all trade quantities that decreased the position in base terms
Position ADL risk, 0-5 (5 is highest risk)
Id of the fill that opened the position
Id of the fill that most recently updated the position
The timestamp indicating when the item was created.