Interface IDEXTicker

IDEX Ticker Response

Response to GET /v1/tickers

interface IDEXTicker {
    market: string;
    time: number;
    open: null | string;
    high: null | string;
    low: null | string;
    close: null | string;
    closeQuantity: null | string;
    baseVolume: string;
    quoteVolume: string;
    percentChange: null | string;
    trades: number;
    ask: null | string;
    bid: null | string;
    markPrice: null | string;
    indexPrice: null | string;
    indexPrice24h: null | string;
    indexPricePercentChange: null | string;
    lastFundingRate: null | string;
    currentFundingRate: null | string;
    nextFundingTime: number;
    openInterest: string;
    sequence: null | number;


market: string

Market symbol

time: number

Timestamp when the statistics were computed; the opening time of the period is 24 hours prior

open: null | string

Price of the first trade in the period in quote terms

high: null | string

Highest traded price in the period in quote terms

low: null | string

Lowest traded price in the period in quote terms

close: null | string

Price of the last trade in the period in quote terms

closeQuantity: null | string

Quantity of the last trade in the period in base terms

baseVolume: string

Trailing 24-hour trading volume in base terms

quoteVolume: string

Trailing 24-hour trading volume in quote terms

percentChange: null | string

Percentage change from open price to close price,

  • in decimal notation with 8 decimals. For example, 1.00% is expressed as 0.01000000.
  • null if we do not have an open and close price.
trades: number

Number of trades in the period

ask: null | string

Best ask price on the order book in quote terms

bid: null | string

Best bid price on the order book in quote terms

markPrice: null | string

Current mark price

indexPrice: null | string

Current index price

indexPrice24h: null | string

Index price 24h ago

indexPricePercentChange: null | string

Percentage change in index price from 24h ago to current.

  • 1.00% is expressed as 0.01000000
lastFundingRate: null | string

Funding rate of the last payment.

  • 1.00% is expressed as 0.01000000
currentFundingRate: null | string

Current funding rate

  • 1.00% is expressed as 0.01000000
nextFundingTime: number

Time of the next funding payment

openInterest: string

Current open interest

sequence: null | number

Fill sequence number of the last trade in the period