Interface MarketMakerRewardsEpochDetailedWithoutWallet

When querying an epoch using the RestRequestGetMarketMakerRewardsEpoch endpoint and not providing the RestRequestGetMarketMakerRewardsEpoch.wallet wallet parameter, the response will exclude wallet-specific details from the response.

Provide the wallet parameter to include the following details:

interface MarketMakerRewardsEpochDetailedWithoutWallet {
    epochId: string;
    startsAt: number;
    endsAt: number;
    reviewEndsAt: number;
    totalRewardQuantity: string;
    alpha: string;
    beta: string;
    markets: MarketMakerRewardsEpochMarketWithoutWallet[];
    previousEpochReviewEndsAt?: number;
    eligibilityVolumeRequirementPercent?: string;
    nextEpochEligibilityVolumeRequirementPercent?: string;
    isWalletEligibleInEpoch?: boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)


epochId: string

Epoch identifier

startsAt: number

Timestamp of the epoch start.

endsAt: number

Timestamp of the epoch end.

reviewEndsAt: number

Timestamp of the epoch review period completion.

totalRewardQuantity: string

Total token reward quantity

alpha: string

Score parameter

beta: string

Score parameter



previousEpochReviewEndsAt?: number

Timestamp of the previous epoch’s review period end.

  • Only present if the value is in the future (ie the system is currently awaiting the previous epoch end)
eligibilityVolumeRequirementPercent?: string

Qualified volume percent setting for the current epoch, if defined.

  • Wallet qualified maker volume for the prior epoch must meet or exceed this value as a percent of overall qualified maker volume to be eligible for the current epoch’s rewards
  • Not present if no eligibility percent is defined for the epoch
  • All percents are expressed as standard decimal value with pip resolution. E.g. 18.5% is "0.18500000"
nextEpochEligibilityVolumeRequirementPercent?: string

Qualified volume percent setting for the next epoch, if defined.

  • All percents are expressed as standard decimal value with pip resolution. E.g. 18.5% is "0.18500000"
isWalletEligibleInEpoch?: boolean

Indicates whether the wallet is eligible to earn market maker rewards in the requested epoch, based on the wallet's performance in the previous epoch.



  • Only provided if the request includes a wallet parameter, and when requesting the current or past epochs