Interface IDEXPositionEventData

interface IDEXPositionEventData {
    market: string;
    quantity: string;
    maximumQuantity: string;
    entryPrice: string;
    exitPrice: string;
    realizedPnL: string;
    totalFunding: string;
    totalOpen: string;
    totalClose: string;
    openedByFillId: string;
    lastFillId: string;
    time: number;
    wallet: string;
    status: PositionEventStatus;
    quoteBalance: string;


  • Pick<IDEXPosition, "market" | "time" | "quantity" | "maximumQuantity" | "entryPrice" | "exitPrice" | "realizedPnL" | "totalFunding" | "totalOpen" | "totalClose" | "openedByFillId" | "lastFillId">
    • IDEXPositionEventData


market: string

Market symbol for the item

quantity: string

Base quantity, negative for short positions

maximumQuantity: string

Maximum absolute quantity of the position during its existence

entryPrice: string

Average entry price of the position

exitPrice: string

Average exit price of the position

realizedPnL: string

Realized PnL of the position in quote terms, including funding payments

totalFunding: string

Net total of all funding payments for the position

totalOpen: string

Total of all trade quantities that increased the position in base terms

totalClose: string

Total of all trade quantities that decreased the position in base terms

openedByFillId: string

Id of the fill that opened the position

lastFillId: string

Id of the fill that most recently updated the position

time: number

The timestamp indicating when the item was created.

wallet: string

Wallet address

  • open if position is open.
  • closed for the last update.
quoteBalance: string

The total quote balance after the positions update