Interface RestRequestGetMarketMakerRewardsEpochWithoutWallet

The Get Epoch endpoint provides detailed information about epoch configuration as well as wallet epoch performance.

Endpoint Parameters

  • HTTP Request: GET /v4/marketMakerRewardsV1/epoch
  • Endpoint Security: User Data
  • API Key Scope: Read


This interface represents a RestRequestGetMarketMakerRewardsEpoch request which does not provide a wallet parameter.


interface RestRequestGetMarketMakerRewardsEpochWithoutWallet {
    nonce: string;
    epochId?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)



nonce: string

User data and trade endpoints requests must include a nonce.

  • MUST be a version 1 UUID
  • Nonces may be supplied with or without hyphens.


Version 1 UUIDs encode a timestamp in addition to other unique information, and thus serve both to prevent replay attacks as well as to enforce request timing. As a result, nonces MUST be generated at the time of a request.

epochId?: string

Epoch identifier to query.

  • If no epochId is provided, the API servers the currently active epoch when present.